Divine Child Christian Learning Center
The School
Here at Divine Child Christian Learning Center, we offer our children an eclectic learning environment, filled with a variety of support coupled with love and nurturing. For more than two decades, Divine Child Christian Learning Center has been instilling knowledge in children of the metro Detroit area. We pride ourselves in being true advocates for the children by working with bold, young minds, as early educators to ensure our children have the ability and tools needed to grow and succeed.
As true advocates of children, we at D.C.C.L.C. strive for providing children with a nurturing loving home-like environment that will able your child to explore independently and cooperatively. Children learn best when they are in an environment that is safe allowing them opportunities to explore, communicate and create in developmentally appropriate activities that are both planned and spontaneous in response to the children's interest
Experiences with music, movement, art, language and building are incorporated into daily plans. Regularly scheduled snacks and meals, rest time, indoor/outdoor play, and routines in physical caregiving promotes the child’s health, comfort and ability to care for his/herself. There is maximum flexibility for the children as a group and as individuals. Children are encouraged to develop a positive self-image, learn self-control, as well as encouraged to cooperate with peers and caregivers. Clearly defined limits help them recognize and accept their emotions and express their feelings as they grow and feel secure in the world around them.